Myriam Amato


Degree in Business Economics from the Bocconi University of Milan in 2000.

Master in Tax Law obtained in the years 2001-2002 at Bocconi University.

She qualified in 2002 as a Chartered Accountant.

She has been registered in the Register of Statutory Auditors since 2003, Legislative Decree 27/1/2010.

You have acquired your professional experience in the legal auditing of national and multinational companies at a Big Four where you have reached managerial levels, alternating the experience of auditing with the experience of the independent profession of Chartered Accountant in collaboration with primary Milanese studies.

The experience in extraordinary transactions including listings on regulated markets was gained by holding the position of Group CFO of a listed company.

Chairman and effective member of the boards of statutory auditors of listed and unlisted companies.
Myriam Amato - Revinet Spa
Associated with:

Associata a Confindustria Romagna - Revinet spa

Affiliated with:

logo Elite - Affiliated Revinet

ELITE is the ecosystem that helps small and medium-sized businesses grow and access private and public capital markets.


Legal Office
Viale Bacchiglione 14/a
20121 Milano (MI)
Local Office
Viale Premuda, 46
20121 Milano (MI)
Local Office
Via Mario Gordini, 27
48121 Ravenna (RA)
Local Office
Viale Luigi Luzzatti, 88
31100 Treviso (TV)
+39 0544 215243


C.F., P.IVA e iscrizione Registro Imprese di Ravenna 01480510393
Capitale Sociale euro 160.000,00 i.v.