Marco Buzzavo


Graduated in Economics and Legislation for Business in 1999 at the “Luigi Bocconi” Commercial University of Milan, after an experience in Corporate Banking at Italian and international banks in the London and Milan offices, he began the activity of chartered accountant and business consultant.

He is a chartered accountant, registered in the register of chartered accountants and accounting experts of Treviso since 2006, at no. 1112 – section A and has been registered since 2007 in the Register of Statutory Auditors under no. 143066.

He collaborates with the Court of Treviso as a technical consultant on banking matters and has been appointed bankruptcy trustee and judicial commissioner in various insolvency proceedings.

He holds the position of President and effective member of boards of auditors and statutory auditor in public and private companies.
Marco Buzzavo - Partner Revinet
Associated with:

Associata a Confindustria Romagna - Revinet spa

Affiliated with:

logo Elite - Affiliated Revinet

ELITE is the ecosystem that helps small and medium-sized businesses grow and access private and public capital markets.


Legal Office
Viale Bacchiglione 14/a
20121 Milano (MI)
Local Office
Viale Premuda, 46
20121 Milano (MI)
Local Office
Via Mario Gordini, 27
48121 Ravenna (RA)
Local Office
Viale Luigi Luzzatti, 88
31100 Treviso (TV)
+39 0544 215243


C.F., P.IVA e iscrizione Registro Imprese di Ravenna 01480510393
Capitale Sociale euro 160.000,00 i.v.