Audit of financial statements and consolidated accounts

  • Compliance check and assistance in transposition of group accounts prepared under IAS / IFRS and US GAAP
  • Audit of the mid-year report
  • Quarterly controls under on art. 2409-ter of the Italian Civil Code
  • Audit limited to specific sectors and specific areas of the financial statements
  • Compliance reports under special regulations
  • Implementation of agreed audit procedures
  • Analysis and audit of the company’s annual report
  • Formal checks to determine and settle royalties
  • Risk management activities’ review
  • Analysis and assessment of the procedures for accounting, management, internal control system and audit
  • Auditing EDP and IT procedures
  • Review and definition of procedures to close accounts and to prepare consolidated accounts based on Italian / Group regulations
  • Definition, implementation and review of the reporting and budgeting system
  • Financial and operating internal audit function
  • Tax audit and check-up
  • Project financing analysis, review and certification
  • Compliance opinion
Associated with:

Associata a Confindustria Romagna - Revinet spa

Affiliated with:

logo Elite - Affiliated Revinet

ELITE is the ecosystem that helps small and medium-sized businesses grow and access private and public capital markets.


Legal Office
Viale Bacchiglione 14/a
20121 Milano (MI)
Local Office
Viale Premuda, 46
20121 Milano (MI)
Local Office
Via Mario Gordini, 27
48121 Ravenna (RA)
Local Office
Viale Luigi Luzzatti, 88
31100 Treviso (TV)
+39 0544 215243


C.F., P.IVA e iscrizione Registro Imprese di Ravenna 01480510393
Capitale Sociale euro 160.000,00 i.v.